How to balance your R/C boat

Part 2 of The Carol Moran Project (A Dumas Boat kit) from

By James Packwood

This is from my Carol Moran Build project. After I finished  the R/C boat project I found that it floated high on the water and listed to the side. You may or may not have to balance your boat but this is what I did to balance the Carol Moran.  I had to add right at 2 lbs 14 ozs of lead to bring the boat down to the waterline and level it out. This will was to insure that the prop propeller and rudder were totally submerged.

Here is what you will need.

  • I used a large storage container filled with water on my work bench (A bath tub or sink would also work).
  • Large fishing weights 3oz and or small lead shot.
  • Double back tape.
  • Either an empty prescription bottle or any small bottled container.

Make sure your water line is correct per you plans. This is what you will use to determine how far in the water the boat should ride.If the boat rides even at the waterline and the propeller and rudder are fully submerged your good to go. (Start charging you batteries).

If the boat floats high and leans then you will need will need to do the following.

  1.  This is a good time to check for leaks. Make sure that your boat is dry checking the drive shaft and rudder area..
  2. Adjust the battery and esc in the boat to see if you can correct the lean so that it will float evenly.
  3. Use either the large 3 oz or the lead shot in a sealed plastic bottle and place them in the boat  until it floats evenly at the waterline.
  4. After your happy with the weight placement then secure the weights in position with the double sided tape.
  5. Finally double check your boat again to make sure the compartment is still dry.

Happy Boating…..

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